Spinal Stenosis and Surgery
As we know spine is made of a series of interlinked connected bones and shock-absorbing discs. It protects the spinal cord from external injury and plays a key part of the central nervous system (CNS) which connects the body to the brain.
Spinal stenosis is the abnormal narrowing of spaces between the spinal canal, which puts more pressure on the nerve roots that travel through the spine. Few people have the inherited the degenerative discs, but for most people, the degenerative discs develop through the degenerative cascade of the degenerative disc which is a part of spinal stenosis. Some people don’t feel the effects of narrowing, but following aging, eventually, they start noticing the sign of radiating pain, tingling and muscle weakness in the nerves and spinal cord.
Spinal stenosis is caused due to the aging process and often due to osteoarthritis. It occurs in the lower back and the neck. Symptoms are typically worsened over time and it may cause loss of bowel or bladder control. In harsh cases, doctors prefer surgery to create more space for the spinal cord or nerves.
An appropriate treatment is crucial to acquire a positive surgical conclusion. Neuroimaging studies are required to identify the areas of narrowing. Many areas of spinal stenosis may also be a reason not to perform elective spinal stenosis surgery. Spinal stenosis surgery is also done to increase the motor strength in legs and arms even if they lose the sensation.
The spine can be stabilized with the help of braces externally and insertion of rods or brackets surgically. Spine stabilization surgery has been in trend for many years and is generally followed by spinal decompression surgery. In spine fusion surgery, the surgeon fuses the spinal discs, which might provide relief from the pain, but also limits various day to day activities. Surgery makes use of the bone graft, biological substances or spinal instruments to increase the stability and help to fuse the bones.
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